Ogden Parks and Recreation
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Bowling Series Register View Cart

Knock those pins down! Head over to Spencerport Bowl to have fun with your friends and get started in this lifelong activity. Participants will practice the basic skills of bowling and compete against their friends.

Location: Spencerport Bowl
Time: Begins at 6:00pm (end time will vary based on length of games)
Note: Includes two games each week and shoe rental.

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Bowling Series 
12y - 16y N/A Th  03/13/2025 - 04/24/2025
06:00 PM - 08:00 PM

Spencerport Bowl
$50.00 Res, $55.00 Non-Res
Includes two games and shoe rental each week.
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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