Ogden Parks and Recreation
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Open Walking

Lace up your walking shoes and meet at the OPR gymnasium.  Don't let your fitness routine end when the weather gets cooler by walking in our gymnasium.  16 laps in our dry, heated gym equals 1 mile! Children under the age of 2, in a stroller, are welcome (children must remain in the stroller during the duration of the visit).

All participants must check in with our Admin. Office prior to walking.

Ages: 18 years and over
Days and times: January 13- March 7(closings will be announced). 
Mondays: 1:00-2:30pm
Wednesdays: 1:00-2:30pm 
Fridays: Cancelled
Cost: Free
Location: Ogden Community Center Gymnasium

Note: Check in at the Recreation Office prior to gym entry. Please create an account at www.ogdenparksandrec.com to be notified of schedule changes. Be sure to bring a water bottle and clean, dry sneakers.

February: 2/17, 2/19 

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