Ogden Parks and Recreation
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Need some serenity and peace- join us for yoga! Improve your mood, reduce stress levels and create a deeper meditative state. Deep breaths that are required in yoga can help to cleanse your lungs, ease your mind and improve your yoga practice. No yoga experience is necessary-modifications and challenges are offered throughout class.

Note: *Program time may be altered to 6:00-7:00pm; participants will be emailed if this change takes place. All participants must supply their own mats. Yoga block and strap are optional. Please bring a water bottle.

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Yoga: W/S Session 1 
16y and up N/A 01/15/2025 - 02/26/2025
07:15 PM - 08:15 PM

Ogden Community Center - Multipurpose Room #3
$48.00 Res, $53.00 Non-Res
Bring a water bottle and a yoga mat.
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Yoga: W/S Session 2 
16y and up N/A 03/05/2025 - 04/02/2025
07:15 PM - 08:15 PM

Ogden Community Center - Multipurpose Room #3
$42.00 Res, $47.00 Non-Res
Bring a water bottle and a yoga mat.
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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